Tuesday, February 10, 2009

can I get an Amen

Regarding Chris's Project Tip about turning off your TV - AMEN! I am frequently irritated to hear people talking about the lack of time that they have to pursue a hobby, stay in shape, or read when they clearly have no problem memorizing the latest American Idol contestants due to their three hours a day of evening TV-watching.

I prefer reading. Yes, I know it's not physical exertion but it is my personal favorite stress-relieving activity. I am as addicted to reading books as much as any fitness nut is addicted to biking or running marathons.

One of the ways I have rewarded myself when I have followed all my Project activites to a T is by allowing myself time to simply read, undisturbed, on a weekend afternoon. No working, no TV, no puttering around with errands, but a nice quiet afternoon in front of the fire with my cup of tea and a good book. Heaven!

How do you reward yourself?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Terri-
    I tried to post on your chocolat post and couldn't so anyway all I wanted to say it...NOTHING TAKES THE PLACE OF CHOCOLATE! There is no substitute, no replacement for lack of something else, no nothing...it's just one of those things God put here to make us happy! ;-) And it is made from a bean...
